Thursday 8 September 2011

Ardbeg Alligator

So much hype has been generated by the new Ardbeg offering. After the Committee release bottling earlier in the year, It is now available to the masses in the familiar dark green guise. Approx pricing is £65 but if you just fancy a sample will be adding it to their drinks by the dram line up.

Here are the tasting notes from the Ardbeg website

Lurking within is an Ardbeg of hidden depths. Extremely fierce charring of the cask gives Ardbeg Alligator a unique spicy bite that’ll catch you unawares. Charge your glass with a splash of water and roll it around and around in your jaws!

Warning signs of cumin and barbecue sauce.

Hot and spicy flavours grip you, ginger and chocolate thrash.

Slow and long mocha espresso while cigar smoke ebbs.

Missed out this year :-(

For the first time in many years I didn't manage along to Whisky Live in Glasgow. I hope it was as good as previous years and the drinks voucher system was as loose as ever.

For any of you who have not attended one of these shows, I cannot recommend it enough. No where else can you sample so many types/styles/new whiskies. What a great way to find your flavour without spending a fortune on whole bottles. These shows travel the world with the next show being in Paris. They return to London in March next year.